If you are a “Mature” user of Sage 100 (formerly MAS 90/MAS 200), you may wish you could use the function keys more often and the mouse less. Most Sage 100 mouse clicks have Key Board Equivalents and the following table will make your life easier!
Key | Function |
TAB | Next field |
ENTER | Next logical field |
SPACEBAR | Clear/select a check box/radio button |
BACKSPACE | Deletes the entry at a field |
ESC | Closes the current window |
F1 | Help text for the current field |
F2 | Lookup window for the current field |
F3 or ALT+L | Alternate lookup window for the current field |
F4 | Printer button |
F7 | Explorer menu |
F8 | Record count |
F9 or ALT+Q | Special options button |
CTRL+F5 | First record |
CTRL+F6 | Prior record |
CTRL+F7 | Next record |
CTRL+F8 | Last record |
ALT+A | Accept button |
ALT+C | Cancel button |
ALT+D | Delete button |
ALT+P | Print button |
ALT+V | Preview button |
SHIFT+F1 | Help button (help text for the window) |
ALT+O | OK button for dialog boxes and line entry |
ALT+U | Undo line changes |
CTRL+INSERT | Inserts a line |
CTRL+DELETE | Deletes the current line |
INSERT | Inserts a line |
DELETE | Deletes the current line |
ALT+N | Insert a line |
ALT+E | Delete a line |
ALT+1, 2, … | Select the first tab, second tab, … |
ALT+B | Batch button |
ALT+E | E-mail button |
ALT+I | Text button |
ALT+K | Credit checking button |
ALT+M | Memo button |
ALT+R | Item memo button |
ALT+Q | Map button |
ALT+S | Image button |
ALT+S | Documents search button |
ALT+T | Package tracking button |
ALT+U | Web button |
ALT+X | Next number icon |
ALT+Z | Zoom button |
HOME | First page in a list box |
END | Last page in a list box |
PAGE UP | Previous page in a list box |
PAGE DOWN | Next page in a list box |